2. Why do I get a refund?

On October 28, 2020, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that the calculation of the German truck toll is illegal. Among other things, the court found that the costs for traffic police should not have been included in the truck toll. These amount to several hundred million euros per year, which were wrongly allocated to all companies liable for the toll. The overpaid amounts can now be reclaimed.

1.Why TollReclaim

TollReclaim is a legal tech provider run by lawyers who enforces claims from companies in connection with the incorrect calculation of the German truck toll. TollReclaim offers you various advantages:

No cost risks:

  • commission only success based
  • favorable commission rates

Simple & secure process:

  • registration completely electronic and therefore no documents need to be sent by post
  • no separate mandate and fee agreements required

Transparent process:

  • standardized and transparent processes
  • regular and direct communication re the status of the proceedings
  • compliance with European data protection standards
1. Why TollReclaim?

TollReclaim is a legal tech provider run by lawyers who enforces claims from companies in connection with the incorrect calculation of the German truck toll. TollReclaim offers you various advantages:

No cost risks:

  • commission only success based
  • favorable commission rates

Simple & secure process:

  • registration completely electronic and therefore no documents need to be sent by post
  • no separate mandate and fee agreements required

Transparent process:

  • standardized and transparent processes
  • regular and direct communication re the status of the proceedings
  • compliance with European data protection standards
1. Why TollReclaim?

TollReclaim is a legal tech provider run by lawyers who enforces claims from companies in connection with the incorrect calculation of the German truck toll. TollReclaim offers you various advantages:

No cost risks:

  • commission only success based
  • favorable commission rates

Simple & secure process:

  • registration completely electronic and therefore no documents need to be sent by post
  • no separate mandate and fee agreements required

Transparent process:

  • standardized and transparent processes
  • regular and direct communication re the status of the proceedings
  • compliance with European data protection standards
1. Why TollReclaim?

TollReclaim is a legal tech provider run by lawyers who enforces claims from companies in connection with the incorrect calculation of the German truck toll. TollReclaim offers you various advantages:

No cost risks:

  • commission only success based
  • favorable commission rates

Simple & secure process:

  • registration completely electronic and therefore no documents need to be sent by post
  • no separate mandate and fee agreements required

Transparent process:

  • standardized and transparent processes
  • regular and direct communication re the status of the proceedings
  • compliance with European data protection standards
11. Wie hoch ist mein Rückerstattungsanspruch?

Die Höhe des Ihnen zustehenden Betrages hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, u.a. von der zurückgelegten Strecke, der Art des LKW (Achsenanzahl und zulässiges Gesamtgewicht) sowie von der jeweiligen EURO-Norm. Nach derzeitigem Kenntnisstand beläuft sich der Rückzahlungsbetrag auf rund 4% für Ansprüche aus den letzten drei Jahren, d.h. ab dem Jahr 2019. Abhängig davon, wie die zuständigen Gerichte hierzu entscheiden, kann der Anspruch jedoch auch bis zu 7% betragen und ggf. seit 2005 geltend gemacht werden. Die Frage der Verjährung ist noch nicht abschließend entschieden.